
Necroleptic Review (Ro + Eng)

Trupa Necroleptic e alcatuita din Zypex (care se ocupa de partea de sound) si Talyrik (care se ocupa de partea de vocal) .

Proiectul a iesit la iveala brusc si neasteptat , in luna Februarie a acestui an si reuseste cu succes sa imbine stilul Dark Electro cu genul Horror/Gore . La nici o saptamana dupa ce demo-ul "Tranquilized" a fost lansat , multimea infometata deja dorea mai mult . Se poate observa astfel ca baietii de la Necroleptic au prins bine la public , mai ales in zilele de azi cand majoritatea trupelor de acest gen au un sound oarecum similar .

Prima piesa de pe demo , "The Nameless One" , este una slow , dar cu puternice tente de horror si violenta , si reprezinta practic poarta de intrare in lumea cosmarurilor ce urmeaza .

"Surgical Torture" , cea de-a doua piesa , este asa cum sugereaza si numele : o imbinare , perfecta as putea spune , intre violenta , mutilare si torturare , toate presarate cu perversiune . Ceea ce atrage cel mai mult la aceasta piesa sunt versurile care , in ciuda vocalului harsh , se disting usor ("Eyes gouged open ... Mouth stitched tight ...") si beat-ul catchy .

Ce-a de-a treia piesa , "Bound by Blood" este singura piesa de pe demo ce are un beat alert si antrenant , si de asemenea prima piesa care foloseste sample-uri . Desi se pastreaza aceeasi violenta , atat in ritm cat si in versuri , piesa nu impresioneaza cu nimic fata de celelalte , dar isi transmite mesajul cum trebuie .

Piesa de final , "Liar" , este singura a carei influenta de la Dawn of Ashes (pe vremea cand erau Aggrotech) se distinge clar , cu un beat rapid si de asemenea , sample-uri .

Muzical , ca orice trupa noua , influentele de la alte trupe precum Psyclone Nine , Dawn of Ashes si chiar Life Cried , se disting usor , dar cu toate astea , reusesc sa provoace acel sentiment de nou si bun , indeajuns incat sa atraga masele .
Cat despre versuri , sunt un fan al celor cu teme morbide , iar Necroleptic au reusit cu succes sa incorporze idei mai vechi cu unele noi .

Ca o incheiere , nu mai am decat un singur lucru de zis : multa bafta Necroleptic si sper sa fim asaltati cat de curand cu piese la fel de bune !


The band Necrolepic is made of Zypex (who deals with the sound side) and Talyrik (who deals with the vocal part) .

The project emerged suddenly and unexpectedly in February , this year , and successfully manages to combine styles like Dark Electro and Horror / Gore . At only one week after the demo "Tranquilized" was launched , the hungry crowd already wanted more . It can easily be seen that the band has an appeal to the crowds , especially nowadays when most bands of this type have a somewhat similar sound .

The first track , "The Nameless One" is a slow song , but with strong ties to horror and violence , and its practically the gateway to the world of nightmares to come .

"Surgical Torture" , the second track , is exactly as the name suggests : a mix , I would say perfect , between violence , mutilation and torture , all sprinkled with perversion . What draws most to this song are the verses that , despite the harsh vocals , are easy to understand ("Eyes gouged open ... Mouth stitched tight ...") and the catchy beat .

The third track , "Bound by Blood" , is the only song on the demo that has a fast and alert beat , and also the first song that uses sample . Although it retains the same violence , both in rhythm and lyrics , the song does not impress with anything from the others , but it conveys the message properly .

The final piece , "Liar" , whose influence by Dawn of Ashes (when they were Aggrotech) is clearly distinguished , has a fast beat and also uses samples .

Musically , like any new band , influences from other bands like : Psyclone Nine , Dawn of Ashes and even Life Cried ,are easily distinguishable , but nevertheless , manage to provoke a sense of new and its good enough to attract the masses .
As for the lyrics , I'm a fan of those with morbid themes , and Necroleptic successfuly managed to combine some old ideas with new ones .

As a conclusion , I only have to say this : good luck to the band and I hope that soon they will assault us with more violent tracks !


This review appeared on Tanz Die Revolution (www.tanzdierevolution.ro)


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