
What is The Matrix ?

[ ... begin transmission , 19022010 , 2026 hours ]

Morpheus : Do you want to know what it is ?
Neo : Yes .
Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere . It is all around us . Even now , in this very room . You can see it when you look out your window , or when you turn on your television . You can feel it when you go to work , when you go to church , when you pay your taxes . It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth .
Neo : What truth ?
Morpheus : That you are a slave , Neo . Like everyone else , you were born into bondage , born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch . A prison for your mind . Unfortunately , no one can be told what the Matrix is . You have to see it for yourself . This is your last chance . After this , there is no turning back . You take the blue pill , the story ends , you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe . You take the red pill , you stay in Wonderland , and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes . Remember : all I'm offering is the truth . Nothing more .

Ce e Matricea ? Pentru noi , din punct de vedere non-fictional Matricea este sistemul adiministratiei publice care te umileste zi de zi la ghisee doar pentru simplul fapt ca esti un cetatean responsabil si cu frica termenelor limita . Matricea este sistemul bancar care te face sclavul ratelor lunare pentru decenii cu zambetul pe buze si cu reclame pompoase si "umane" . Matricea este sistemul de sanatate in care-ti cumperi singur medicamente , iar ambulantele , fie sunt taximetre deghizate pentru VIP-uri , fie dricuri cu girofar ...

Matricea este sistemul de invatamant care scoate pentru fiecare olimpic international doua teancuri de diplome de licenta trase la Xerox . Matricea este sistemul juridic unde unii oameni sunt mai egali decat altii in fata legii . Matricea este sistemul legislativ si cel executiv unde "norma cu caracter obligatoriu , stabilita si aparata de puterea de stat" este o gluma buna spusa la cantina parlamentului intre doua portii de fasole cu carnati sau pe holurile guvernului . Matricea este sistemul electoral ce promovează turismul national mai ceva ca ministerul de resort si "prostimea" ce ne decide viitorul pentru un kilogram de faina .

Matricea este sistemul halucinant de drumuri si autostrazi , suspendate , subterane , supraterane . Matricea este corporatia depersonificata care distruge orice urma de respect pentru sine si pentru semeni , in care mediocritatea si mitocania sunt ridicate la nivel de arta si promovate . Matricea este realitatea deformata prezentata la comanda de presa , radio si de televiziuni , prin care esti determinat sa crezi ca albul este negru , negrul alb si plopul face de fapt pere si rachita micsunele ...

Morpheus : The Matrix is a system , Neo . That system is our enemy . But when you're inside , you look around , what do you see ? Business men , teachers , lawyers , carpenters . The very minds of the people we are trying to save . But until we do , these people are still a part of that system , and that makes them our enemy . You have to understand , most of these people are not ready to be unplugged . And many of them are so inert , so hopelessly dependent on the system , that they will fight to protect it .

In concluzie , noi vrem sa scapam de aceasta oprimare a sistemului , dar oare cati dintre noi sunt cu adevarat pregatiti sa vada "the real world" ?

Morpheus : I imagine that right now , you're feeling a bit like Alice . Hmm ? Tumbling down the rabbit hole ?
Neo: You could say that .
Morpheus : I see it in your eyes . You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up . Ironically , that's not far from the truth . Do you believe in fate , Neo ?
Neo : No .
Morpheus : Why not ?
Neo : Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life .

[ ... end transmission , 19022010 , 2048 hours ]

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