
Black Mesa

Probabil ca va intrebati care e legatura dintre descrierea mea si Black Mesa ... Simplu , pentru orice fan inrait al seriei Half Life si a mod-urilor acestuia , formula mentionata este cunoscuta .

s² = c²Δt² - Δr² este ecuatia pentru intervalul spatiu-timp unde c este viteza luminii , Δt este diferenta dintre cele doua coordonate temporale a doua evenimente ( separarea temporala ) , iar Δr este diferenta dintre cele doua coordonate spatiale dintre cele doua evenimente ( separarea spatiala ) .

Legatura dintre aceasta formula si intamplarile din Half Life , probabil , o vom afla in Episodul 3 ... Insa pana atunci vom avea timp la dispozitie sa ne delectam cu un mod excelent , Black Mesa : Source . Dupa cum arata si teaser-ul de mai sus , va fi un remake complet al primei serii , si nu doar transpunerea acestuia pe un nou engine grafic [ *cough* HL : Source *cough* ] .

Inca nu s-a anuntat o data pentru cand jocul va vedea lumina zilei si masele de gameri vor relua inca o data rolul lui Gordon Freeman in casapirea alien-ilor cu a sa ranga ( si a altor arme bineinteles >:3 )

Ah , si ca incheiere va ofer un mic bonus care are multe surprize ascunse ... http://www.blackmesaresearchfacility.com/about.php


The Rivethead

[ ... begin transmission , 11032010 , 1925 hours ]

Okay , so , since some people are lazy to do a simple search about this , I'll lay it down to you ...

A rivethead is a person associated with the industrial music scene .

The dress style is typically militaristic/post-apocalyptic .

Footwear : combat boots , tanker boots , knee-high military boots , steal-toe boots , or anything that can be used for STOMPING !

Pants : cargo pants or BDU ( battle dress uniform ) pants . Usually , but not always , camouflage or black , tucked in the boots , rolled at the bottom cuffs or as cut-off shorts .

Tops : industrial bands T-shirts , black wifebeaters , flight jackets , bulletproof vests , trenchcoats , etc.

Hair : it can be either medium-long , partially shaved ( undercut ) , shaved , mohawk , bihawk , deadhawk or even with cyber-dreads .

Headgear & facegear : gasmasks or respirators , goggles , contact lenses , etc.

Other accessories : finger-less gloves , BDU-style or spiked leather belts , spiked/studded collars/chokers , dog-tags or any jewelry that incorporates the industrial aesthetics

Body Mods : piercings , tattoos , etc.

The industrial subculture is probably not known for being philosophical or profound . Is there any real depth to music which largely consists of distorted noise and the sounds of jackhammers and beating on scrap metal ? However you can be both a rivethead *and* hold some intelligent theoretical ideas about the state of the world . This is based on these ideas :

* People in the World are slaves to capitalism . You get a job ( well , maybe ... ) just for the money , not because it's your "vocation" in life any more . That job takes up most of your time and dictates your whole lifestyle , pretty much . People are therefore enslaved by the chains of industrialised society . When their bosses say jump , they ask how high . The sounds of the mass production line becomes the soundtrack to their lives . Everyone is dancing to the beats of industrial machinery . Rivetheads just take this idea literally , as well as metaphorically .

* Expanding on this idea , basically we're powerless to change our position in life . Sure , we can quit one crappy job in a burger bar and get another one in telesales , but basically life sucks and there's not a lot we can do about it . We're all just little cogs in a big machine . Any cog who bitches about it gets replaced straight away with another cog . You can reflect this idea by wearing cogs as jewellery . If anyone asks you why you're such a cheap ass that you made your jewellery out of scrap metal , instead of kicking the crap out of them you can actually make a profound statement about this and feel all superior in doing so . And then kick the crap out of them XD

* Plus of course plenty of bands who get labelled as industrial do often have a very philisophical and/or political slant to their lyrics and themes . Even those that don't appear to be particularly profound and/or musically gifted , especially the earlier pioneers of industrial music , are still very relevant too , because basically making "anti-music" is a nice big "fuck you !" gesture to the music industry which likes to churn out one manufactured pop star after another . The music industry is a very big part of the money grabbing capitalist system mentioned above , so subverting and resisting their ideas of the music we should be buying and listening to is basically fighting against the bigger system . OK , so no one's really gonna take any notice but still , it's better than passively lapping up the crap they want to feed us .

Resist the system !

[ ... end transmission , 11032010 , 1950 hours ]


What is The Matrix ?

[ ... begin transmission , 19022010 , 2026 hours ]

Morpheus : Do you want to know what it is ?
Neo : Yes .
Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere . It is all around us . Even now , in this very room . You can see it when you look out your window , or when you turn on your television . You can feel it when you go to work , when you go to church , when you pay your taxes . It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth .
Neo : What truth ?
Morpheus : That you are a slave , Neo . Like everyone else , you were born into bondage , born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch . A prison for your mind . Unfortunately , no one can be told what the Matrix is . You have to see it for yourself . This is your last chance . After this , there is no turning back . You take the blue pill , the story ends , you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe . You take the red pill , you stay in Wonderland , and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes . Remember : all I'm offering is the truth . Nothing more .

Ce e Matricea ? Pentru noi , din punct de vedere non-fictional Matricea este sistemul adiministratiei publice care te umileste zi de zi la ghisee doar pentru simplul fapt ca esti un cetatean responsabil si cu frica termenelor limita . Matricea este sistemul bancar care te face sclavul ratelor lunare pentru decenii cu zambetul pe buze si cu reclame pompoase si "umane" . Matricea este sistemul de sanatate in care-ti cumperi singur medicamente , iar ambulantele , fie sunt taximetre deghizate pentru VIP-uri , fie dricuri cu girofar ...

Matricea este sistemul de invatamant care scoate pentru fiecare olimpic international doua teancuri de diplome de licenta trase la Xerox . Matricea este sistemul juridic unde unii oameni sunt mai egali decat altii in fata legii . Matricea este sistemul legislativ si cel executiv unde "norma cu caracter obligatoriu , stabilita si aparata de puterea de stat" este o gluma buna spusa la cantina parlamentului intre doua portii de fasole cu carnati sau pe holurile guvernului . Matricea este sistemul electoral ce promovează turismul national mai ceva ca ministerul de resort si "prostimea" ce ne decide viitorul pentru un kilogram de faina .

Matricea este sistemul halucinant de drumuri si autostrazi , suspendate , subterane , supraterane . Matricea este corporatia depersonificata care distruge orice urma de respect pentru sine si pentru semeni , in care mediocritatea si mitocania sunt ridicate la nivel de arta si promovate . Matricea este realitatea deformata prezentata la comanda de presa , radio si de televiziuni , prin care esti determinat sa crezi ca albul este negru , negrul alb si plopul face de fapt pere si rachita micsunele ...

Morpheus : The Matrix is a system , Neo . That system is our enemy . But when you're inside , you look around , what do you see ? Business men , teachers , lawyers , carpenters . The very minds of the people we are trying to save . But until we do , these people are still a part of that system , and that makes them our enemy . You have to understand , most of these people are not ready to be unplugged . And many of them are so inert , so hopelessly dependent on the system , that they will fight to protect it .

In concluzie , noi vrem sa scapam de aceasta oprimare a sistemului , dar oare cati dintre noi sunt cu adevarat pregatiti sa vada "the real world" ?

Morpheus : I imagine that right now , you're feeling a bit like Alice . Hmm ? Tumbling down the rabbit hole ?
Neo: You could say that .
Morpheus : I see it in your eyes . You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up . Ironically , that's not far from the truth . Do you believe in fate , Neo ?
Neo : No .
Morpheus : Why not ?
Neo : Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life .

[ ... end transmission , 19022010 , 2048 hours ]

Unter Null Promoting

[ ... begin transmission , 19022010 , 0046 hours ]

Electronic Press KitQuantcast

Yes , another artist promotion ! Follow Erica's project on ReverbNation and join our mission !

[ ... end transmission , 19022010 , 0048 hours ]


Darkness beloved ...

[ ... start transmission , 13022010 , 0211 hours ]

Din moment ce nu am somn si nici nu am o stare foarte buna m-am gandit sa mai aberez pe aici ca de obicei .

Pff , nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep , ma deranjeaza asa de multe chestii in momentul asta ... Incepand cu maseaua de minte care sta sa iasa si imi creeaza o durere mai mult decat insuportabila si terminand probabil cu vremea shitty , shitty pentru ca e plin de balti de la zapada topita . Ah , am zis balti ? Vreau sa spun lacuri , am intrat pana deasupra gleznei intr-o asa numita "balta" ...

Lasand asta la o parte , ce sa mai aberez ? Hmm , ah da ! Vine si Valentines Day , nu azi , maine ... so ? So ... nothing . Asa ca fapt divers am mentionat de ea . Pariez si ca o sa ma satur de cate cupluri o sa vad si de cate inimioare and other shit o sa fie la vanzare . But it will pass , like all other days , 'cause in the end , it's just a normal day after all , isn't it ?
Chiar ma intreba un amic azi "ce faci ma duminica ? iesi cu pretena ?" , raspunsul a fost simplu "nu" , nu pentru ca 1. I'm alone si 2. am altceva de facut duminica . Like installing Lineage 2 ... Bleh , urasc cateodata cand scriu aberatii . Nici nu stiu de ce ma mai chinui atata timp cat nu am nimic concret de zis ...

Si probabil ca defapt sursa frustrarii mele mari de acum nu e nicidecum maseaua sau vremea de afara ... da ... defapt si de drept , ceea ce ma omoara incetul cu incetul e nesiguranta si incertitudinea ... And yes , they have something to do with a girl ... It all comes down to moments like this one in our lives when you wanna know really bad if the person you like and would die for has even 1% of the same feeling for you ... And the fact that you don't know slowly kills you ... day by day , little by little , until all that is left is pain and sorrow ... that is , if you're one of the unlucky kind . And speaking of luck , don't you just envy sometimes how some people live their pathetic little lives so carefree ? And how some seem to have everything just right for them ? Am I crazy or are you seeing this too ? ...

Meh , I think this is enough for now ... Ajunge cat am aberat , am facut un post ce poate fi ignorat , and please , by all means , ignore it .

[ ... end transmission , 13022010 , 0226 hours ]


Nachtmahr Promoting

[ ... begin transmission , 04022010 , 0223 hours ]

Sample band press kitsQuantcast

Also , join the Street Team in our Mission !

Music Player web

[ ... end transmission , 04022010 , 0226 hours ]


Plictis ...

[ ... begin transmission , 03022010 , 1149 hours ]

A - AVAILABLE // yes

B - BIRTHDAY // 28 October

C - CRUSHING ON // ... curios lil devil ain't ya ?


E - EASIEST PERSONS TO TALK TO // Lulu , Ana , Eu(gen) , K , Onee-chan , and almost all friends o.O

F - FAVORITE SONG // ... way too many >.>


H - HOMETOWN // Bucharest

I - IN LOVE WITH // 1 person

J - JUGGLE // ... eh ?

K - KILLED SOMEONE // duh , it's like what I do when I get bored >:]

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE // 8 god damn f***ing hours >.<

M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR // ... none


O - ONE WISH // [ classified ]

P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST // *checks phone* dad o.e

R - REASON TO SMILE // eheeee ... ^____^

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD // Feindflug - Stukas ( Im Visier )

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP // today ? 11:00 AM


W - WORST HABIT // spending too much time lazying around ... x.x

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD // left arm when it was broken XD

Y - YOYOS ARE // awesome !

Z - ZODIAC SIGN // scorpion >:]

[ ... end transmission , 03022010 , 1157 hours ]


I wish ... or I don't give a fuck !

[ ... begin transmission , 23012010 , 0032 hours ]

I wish I was like you .
I wish I had it all mapped out !
I wish I was in more complete understanding of myself and my role within this "great" world ,
and by that I mean I wish I was as stupid as you ...
I wish I didn't question everything and just go with it .
I wish I was so small in my understanding that I could build a model of this world , the universe and
through my own comprehension , my own analysis , figure it all out .
And the point comes when I realize that there is this dirty , filthy rapist in my mind , in my world ,
my society , that wishes to destroy , that wants to be unleashed , to fuck up their systems ,
tear down their trees , to corrupt those tiny boys and girls . And I say rapist because people
don't like that being said . They don't mind it being done ... they just mind it being said .

I want to despoil , to take away the innocence , because innocence disgusts me . But it's all
grotesque banality anyway .
The empty self full of cracks ... and every day another crack forms , another splinter breaks away
and hope is gone and without feeling .
I want something in a wrapper , something in new silk panties , some fresh piece of meat ,
something with the authority of a badge , or an instructional print-out .

I want it all to corrupt it , I want to revenge myself upon it . To kick away the papers and cover them
with dirt . That's the most that I can expect , to destroy their receipts , to crumble their registration
forms . I wish I was just like you and conclude that I must be of huge importance , that I'm the center
of the world : my pockets are full of change , and through this change I can enact change ! I wish I
could care about all that stuff , those things , you know those things , those things you care about ,
like those cars and people , all of that . On what scale do you measure the worth of these people ?

And then again , we are taught that money is real value and a moral code and a combination of the
two and as the days pass I learn tricks and deceit and the instinct to grab it when it comes . And
now look at all of this , who's standing , who's yelling , who's talking about you ? It's me ! I'm the one
after all , and am I important , or am I just a messenger for you ? I don't know , I don't give a fuck .
I'm yelling and nothing I'm saying hasn't been said before .

I see empty eyes , a guy stuffing his fat face with chips or other dripping grease products , filling his
face with money or moral code , and he is without sense . Why the fuck should I acknowledge you ,
you hold open that door for me and step out of my way , I didn't ask for this , I didn't ask to have to
acknowledge you . Or another thing , I sit and some fuck tells me not to sit and I have to
acknowledge this prick as well .

The only moment of truth is the tenth of a second after the shot is delivered , in that fraction there is
reality . In that singular point , all the lies that money and desperation build are revealed and all
that's left is THE truth . My memory lapses and it's hard to tell or care anymore . I don't know if it's
out of apathy or boredom . This weight is the weight of pointlessness and it drags me down . I've
never been so happy , I say to myself and I repeat it to pretend that I remember now how I felt when
I said it , but I remember nothing but the words . He/she likes it and I don't . I like it but he/she
doesn't . I've realized that I'm not really one person and that neither of us gives a fuck , neither of us
is really whole or worth a damn . We are just cogs in the big machinery and if any cog bitches
about it , it's quickly replaced so that the whole repeating process can continue without any
intreruption ...

In the end , you are born alone , you live alone and you die alone when you realize that the whole
world is one fucking battlefield where only the dead see the end of it !

[ ... end transmission , 23012010 , 0035 hours ]