
Not the World I remember ...

Uneori am impresia ca fiecare chestie care o fac are consecinte prea mari asupra lumii ... I mean , stiu ca orice actiune are si efect , dar nu chiar asa mare O.o'

Astazi de exemplu m-am trezit si am zis "Drace ! Vreau vreme intunecata !" m-am dus la baie sa ma spal pe dinti si s-a ars becu' ... am zis na , o fi vreo coincidenta stupida , ies din baie si vad ca se innorase intre timp ... OK , more stupid coincidences ... Dar totusi , parca e prea aiurea si nu e nici prima data cand ceva de genu' s-a intamplat . But anyway , poate iar vorbeste partea mea paranoica ... 

And another thing ... Care e scopul nostru pe aceasta lume ? Sa facem aceleasi chestii banale zi de zi , timp de aproximativ 70-100 ani , cam cat e o viata de om  ... Si unii se intreaba de ce X e mai rebel and stuff ... Pentru ca acel X si-a dat seama ca desi viata e scurta poate fi traita mult mai intens si frumos , asa cum vrei TU , nu EI , EI adica cei ce iti impun anumite reguli si care vor sa ii urmezi orbeste . 

And what makes us human ? Are we so different from everything else ? Is there anything inside us that makes us truly unique ? Is it the abillity to feel love ? Is it the abillity to feel pain ? Is it the abillity to feel hope ? Is it the abillity to make our own choices , accepting our own mistakes ? Am I who I am because I chose to be or am I just a simple combination of random events ? Will you still be the same person if you would not have lived your life exactly as you did ? Has every minor element of your life help to shape what you are today ? Do we have enough control to become the person we want to be ? What is it that makes us chose ? What makes you change ? What makes you human ? ... And I know , I wrote again in English but it doesn't matter , the point is , this life was not made for us to live it by some else's rules , we must make our own rules and live it at full capacity .

Enough for today :)

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